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Comment financer ma formation avec Pole Emploi ? Pôle emploi finance prioritairement les formations des demandeurs d’emploi. La condition est d’être inscrit à Pôle emploi et d’avoir validé son projet de formation avec un conseiller Pôle emploi. Le Conseil Régional finance prioritairement les formations des personnes qui ne sont pas indemnisés par Pôle emploi. L’Agefiph finance […]
Quelles conditions pour bénéficier du financement par le FNE ? La première étape sera de nous contacter afin que nous puissions évaluer au mieux vos objectifs au / Qui peut en bénéficier? Tout salarié placé en activité partielle ou activité partielle de longue durée, à l’exception des contrats d’apprentissage et des contrats de […]
Quelles conditions pour bénéficier du financement de l’Afdas ? Vous êtes Techniciens du cinéma et de l’audiovisuel, Artistes, Interprètes, Musiciens, Techniciens du spectacle, vivant et vous bénéficiez d’un accès à la formation dans le cadre du plan de développement des compétences des intermittents du spectacle et de l’audiovisuel, dès lors que vous justifiez : D’une […]
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Investing for Your Future
It is no exaggeration to say this MasterStudy experience was transformative–both professionally and personally. This workshop will long remain a high point of my life. Thanks again…. I am feeling energized and eager to start teaching my class next week. I can’t wait to use all of my new teaching tools. I will absolutely recommend this workshop to other educators!
Come as you are
MasterStudy used is an excellent workshop whether you come as a counselor, advisor, administrator, or faculty member. I am going home empowered. I am looking forward to attending the On Course MasterStudy and the MasterStudy National Conference next year and facilitating the use of this excellent retention/student success course at my college.
Paints of the Future
The response to your MasterStudy has been really overwhelming! Those who participated in the workshop are spreading the word here on campus and the “buzz” is on. The VP of Instruction wants you to come back! Her goal is to have more faculty trained. She also wants to attend a workshop herself. Our President told me Masterstudy needs to be the cornerstone of our success program.”
Investing for Your Future
It is no exaggeration to say this MasterStudy experience was transformative–both professionally and personally. This workshop will long remain a high point of my life. Thanks again…. I am feeling energized and eager to start teaching my class next week. I can’t wait to use all of my new teaching tools. I will absolutely recommend this workshop to other educators!
Come as you are
MasterStudy used is an excellent workshop whether you come as a counselor, advisor, administrator, or faculty member. I am going home empowered. I am looking forward to attending the On Course MasterStudy and the MasterStudy National Conference next year and facilitating the use of this excellent retention/student success course at my college.
Paints of the Future
The response to your MasterStudy has been really overwhelming! Those who participated in the workshop are spreading the word here on campus and the “buzz” is on. The VP of Instruction wants you to come back! Her goal is to have more faculty trained. She also wants to attend a workshop herself. Our President told me Masterstudy needs to be the cornerstone of our success program.”
Investing for Your Future
It is no exaggeration to say this MasterStudy experience was transformative–both professionally and personally. This workshop will long remain a high point of my life. Thanks again…. I am feeling energized and eager to start teaching my class next week. I can’t wait to use all of my new teaching tools. I will absolutely recommend this workshop to other educators!

Sophia Loren
Vous devez profiter de la vie. Toujours être entouré par des gens que vous aimez, les personnes qui ont une conversation agréable. Il ya tellement de choses positives à penser.

Anna Fry
The MBA course has given me the confidence to move ahead in my career. It gave me the opportunity to step back and reflect on what I do, how well I do it and where I can improve together with the toolkit to progress.

Abigail Johnson
I couldn’t imagine myself settling down so quickly in the “Masterstudy” Educational Center without the knowledge and experience that I gained through the Foundation Program